The planting

The planting

myrtilles_plantation_1Soil :

It grows well in draining and acid soils, best to avoid too heavy soils mostly consisting of clay.
Our orchards are installed on plots cleared from deciduous mostly chestnuts which gives them an especially high organic matter content thanks to leaves and underbush humus piling up.
This organic abundance gives blueberries a flavour beyond compare.



You also can plant it in pot on a balcony. Choose a 5 liters pot then increase  the size every two years until you reach 15 to 20 liters. Please do buy heather peat checking its pH which should not go over 4,5 or 5 maximum. A 6 to 6,5 breeding ground will not be suited, seek advice at your garden center.



Period : It goes from November till May for pot plants and ultil February for bare roots.

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